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Important information regarding COVID-19

Information for Patients and Visitors

Adventist HealthCare (including Sydney Adventist Hospital & San Day Surgery) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our patients, staff, doctors and visitors.  Our team of experts have put in place comprehensive actions to minimise risk, enhance safety procedures and ensure continued quality care.

While some people may still be understandably cautious about seeking medical treatment following COVID, it is important that you do not delay seeking the treatment you require. We remain ready and well equipped to provide your medical and surgical needs in a safe and timely way.

Current Visitor Restrictions & Mask Requirements

July 2024

Sydney Adventist Hospital is continuosly monitoring the incidence of COVID within our community and putting in place measures to protect our patients, staff and community members as required. COVID-19 and other acute respiratory illnesses such as Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are circulating and it is predicted this year that there will be high number of cases.

Current mask requirements

Due to the vulnerable nature of our patients, visitors are currently required to wear masks when attending our Emergency Care unit.

Other circumstances where masks may be required due to clinical need will be communicated via our staff members, but could include:

  • Patients who present with acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms must wear a surgical mask (if tolerated)
  • Visitors must wear the appropriate mask if visiting a patient with a confirmed or suspected ARI

Mask wearing is recommended for patients and visitors throughout our facilities, unless there is a specific clinical need that makes them mandatory (as noted above). Where required, staff and doctors will continue to wear masks.

Visitors, patients and staff are reminded to adhere to cough etiquette & good hand hygiene. Visitors should not attend if unwell with an ARI or other infectious disease such as gastroenteritis.

Visitor Restrictions

  • Patients have no restrictions on the number of visitors per day
  • Patients with COVID, or suspected to have COVID (SCOVID), are allowed to have immediate family, next of kin and designated people visit them, up to two people at a time for 1-2 hours, depending on the individual circumstance of the patient. Restrictions are still in place so please discuss this with the ward manager prior to visiting the hospital.

Higher restrictions may be reintroduced if circumstances change.